Here is where it all began: a 24-hour relay race where cyclists take turns inside the city ring of Feltre (BL). The ‘C’è da fare’ team of 2022 was composed of cycling champions (did we cheat? Come on… maybe just a little!), influencers, entertainers, and friends. We raised over €50,000, then donated it with the Occupy Albaro association to the Gaslini Hospital in Genoa, to ensure home psychological and educational support for struggling youth.
C’è Da Fare ETS Association
Registered office: Piazzale Luigi Cadorna 13, 20123 Milano
Tax code: 97945710156
2023© C'è da fare - From an idea of Paolo Kessisoglu
Sono aperte le iscrizioni della 23° Edizione della Milano Marathon.
Abbiamo scelto di correre nuovamente con la nostra maglia alla Relay Milano Marathon: 42km (a staffette da 4 componenti l’una) che attraversano varie tappe del centro città.