C’è Da Fare ETS is a non-profit association, established in 2023, with the aim of becoming a reference point for young people experiencing acute psychological and psychiatric distress.

We design and implement concrete, scalable projects nationwide, aimed at guiding young people without direction, gradually reintegrating them into life and daily routines. We collaborate with hospitals, UONPIA, and other entities capable of providing support to adolescents and families in severe distress.

We raise awareness about mental health issues, organize structured fundraising campaigns, and create sports and cultural events to support our projects.

Our founder
Paolo Kessisoglu

Dear friends,
I am proud to present to you the new face of "C’è Da Fare".
These three simple words initially formed the title of a song, written for Genoa in the aftermath of the tragedy of the Morandi Bridge in 2018. They then became the name of a psychiatric support project ('C'è da fare...e ascoltare') initiated with the Gaslini Hospital in Genoa - to which €50,000 of funds were donated. And now, they constitute the name of a new non-profit association , officially established on April 5, 2023.

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