our projects

Many Italian NPIA clinics have waiting lists ranging from 3 to 12 months, or even from 18 to 24 months, and they often do not have specialized skills required to effectively manage groups of teenagers.

Adolescents in need often end up in inappropriate wards, and if they are lucky, they are be admitted; otherwise, they are sent back home.

For many, hospitalization is the only solution in the face of the chronicization of neglected suffering.

Here you can find the projects we have created to counteract an emergency that needs to be loudly addressed, all together.

C’è da Fare… e Ascoltare

C’è da fare Safe Teen

milano marathon

6 aprile 2025

Sono aperte le iscrizioni della 23° Edizione della Milano Marathon.

Abbiamo scelto di correre nuovamente con la nostra maglia alla Relay Milano Marathon: 42km (a staffette da 4 componenti l’una) che attraversano varie tappe del centro città.

Vuoi correre con noi?