C'è da fare safe teen

the project

C’è da fare Safe Teen is a high-intensity outpatient care service that enables healthcare facilities to promptly respond to the growing demand for treatment from adolescents and families in severe psychological and psychiatric distress.

The intervention model was developed by the Specialist Adolescent Service affiliated with the Complex Structure of Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry at the ASST Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda, which has been providing outpatient care for many years to adolescents suffering from severe psychiatric issues that significantly impact families and the broader social context.

The intense distress that adolescents and parents often face alone requires an immediate response that can reach the patient at home and guide them to the Service.

Adolescents who develop psychological or psychiatric suffering are tormented by their own thoughts and feel threatened by their uncontrollable actions. We aim to save them, first and foremost, from themselves and their fears—hence ‘safeteen.

Safe Teen will therefore promote activities aimed at the recovery and reactivation of adolescents’ resources, offering them the possibility to access individual and/or family spaces where they can talk about and listen to their suffering, and learn to process and manage it.

The Safe Teen project takes place at the Adolescent Outpatient Clinic, which, along with the Residential Therapeutic Community for Adolescents “I Delfini” forms the Simple Structure of Evolutionary Age Psychiatry. This is a branch of the Complex Structure of Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry, which is part of the Department of Mental Health and Addictions at the ASST Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda.



in the project


adolescents enrolled in the project


age range of

the participants

project goal

The timeliness of intensive care is the absolute priority: we aim to avoid waiting lists and ‘dead times’ that often exacerbate distress.

The project seeks to develop personalized therapeutic paths where:

  • adolescents can have space and time to process their experiences, explore their limits, and experience stable relationships that promote their maturation and self-awareness;
  • parents can manage their worries and anxieties by utilizing a parental support service that accompanies them through the challenging process of caring for their children.


Great attention is given to safeguarding the fragile psychological and physical health of adolescent patients and their families. This translates into actions aimed at avoiding the experience of separation and removal of the young person from the family unit, and promoting the processing of trauma in an attempt to alleviate the chronicity of self-harming and self-destructive symptoms.

involved partners

involved staff

Prof.ssa Aglaia Vignoli

Doctor Specialist in Child Neuropsychiatry – Director Complex Structure of Child and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry

Dott.ssa Margherita Contri

Doctor Specialist in Child Neuropsychiatry – Head of Simple Facility of Childhood Psychiatry

Dott. Gianluca Marchesini

Psychologist and Psychotherapist – Project Coordinator

Dott.ssa Candida Scatà

Psychologist and Piscotherapist – Family psychotherapy

Dott.ssa Cecilia Ferrari

Psychologist and Piscotherapist – Family psychotherapy

Dott.ssa Valentina Alajmo

Psychologist and Psychotherapist – Individual psychotherapy and rehabilitation groups

Dott.ssa Desirée Pagella

Psychiatric Rehabilitation Technician – Individual and group rehabilitation interventions

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