c'è da fare... e ascoltare

The project

C’è da fare… E ascoltare is an initiative aimed at providing support and listening to adolescents in situations of difficulty and emotional distress, who, socially withdrawn, have extreme difficulty leaving their home or room, and who very often have stopped attending school.

They are the so-called “Hikikomori,” an increasingly worrying phenomenon in Italy.

Requests for psychological assistance have increased by almost 100% compared to the pre-pandemic period.

The resources of the Department of Mental Health and the Gaslini Institute are not sufficient to meet the needs of this “parallel pandemic”.



in the project


adolescents enrolled in the project


age range of

the participants

project goal

The project goal is to provide psychological support at home to young people discharged from the Operating Unit or those who directly approach the Territorial Neuropsychiatry of the Mental Health Department, through the deployment of a mini-team of professionals, established in collaboration with the Mental Health Department of ASL 3, directed by Dr. Lucio Ghio, and the Operating Unit of Child Neuropsychiatry of the G. Gaslini Institute of Genoa, directed by Prof. Lino Nobili.

The funds collected by the Association and allocated to the project currently cover the cost of home visits by psychologists and educators, aimed at providing personalized assistance to young patients and concrete support for their personal struggles.

C’è da fare… E ascoltare provides listening support to young people, seeks to improve their emotional well-being, with the ultimate goal of facilitating their reintegration into society and the school environment, promoting greater awareness of the importance of mental health in society at large.

involved partners

involved staff

Dott. Lucio Ghio

Director Department of Mental Health and Addiction ASL 3 Genoa

Dott.ssa Sara Pignatelli

Director of Child Neuropsychiatry ASL 3 Genoa

Prof. Lino Nobili

Head of Child Neuropsychiatry at Gaslini

Dott.ssa Rita Benzi

Neuropsychiatrist – Project Coordinator

Dott.ssa Annunziata Vancheri

Social Worker – Deputy Project Coordinator

Dott.ssa Assunta Bruno

Psychologist Psychotherapist

Dott.ssa Martina Peroni

Professional Educator

Dott.ssa Chiara Castiglia

Professional Educator

Dott. Dennis Bruzzone

Professional Educator

Dott. Angelo Calvisi

Professional Educator

Dott. Marco Doga

Professional Educator

Dott. Fabio Pastorelli

Psychologist Psychotherapist

Dott. Riccardo Gallo

Psychologist Psychotherapist